You get chapter-wise Practice Questions and instant evaluation for all questions and
You get six mock test questions and six short answers question paper and instant evaluation of MCQs and model answers.
You also get Practical viva answer questions, Spotters, Demonstration videos for ABD/OBS&GYN
You must be a registered medical practitioner in any state in India
and who is undergoing six months training program in Govt. authorized Medical colleges (or) a practicing sonologist as per PCPNDT Act rules and regulation
Chapter-wise Tests
Liver, Gallbladder, biliary tree, Pancreas, Spleen, Urinary tract and prostate
Normal pelvis, physiology, Paediatrics, Infertility, postmenopausal, pelvic pathology
First trimester, second and third trimester, placenta, assessment of gestational age, complications, amniotic fluid, genetics, fetal demise, fetal abnormalities, and coexisting disorders
Ultrasound Physics.
A patient care, safety and communication, physical principles, transducers, pulse-echo instrumentation and doppler
Image-based Abdomen MCQs
Image-based Gynecology and obstetrics MCQs
Mock tests
1. Six mock test
2. TEN Short answer question with model answers
Practical VIVA
1. Viva Answer questions - OBS&GYN /OG Doppler
2. Spotters - OBS&GYN /OG Doppler
3. Demonstration Videos - ABD/OBS&GYN /OG Doppler