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PC-PNDT CBT Self Assessment Tests and Study material



You get complete condensed revision notes for easy reference as per syllabus and

You get 3000+ chapter-wise Practice Questions and instant evaluation for all questions and

You get six mock test questions and six short answers question paper and instant evaluation of MCQs and model answers.

you get 650 MCQs from Past CBT exam Papers and 295 Short answer questions from 17states.

You also get Practical Viva Answer questions, Spotters, Demonstration videos for ABD/OBS&GYN


You must be registered medical practitioner in any state in India and who is undergoing six months training program in Govt. authorized Medical colleges (or) a practicing sonologist as per PCPNDT Act rules and regulation

Topics and Test:

Ultrasound abdomen

Liver, GB, Biliary tract, Spleen, Pancreas, Urinary tract and prostate

Ultrasound Gynecology

Overview, Anatomy of the female genital tract, Gynecology pathologies of Uterus, Vagina, Ovaries and Miscellaneous lesions

Ultrasound Obstetrics

 Overview, First trimester, Fetal head, Brain, Face, Neck, Spine, Heart, GIT, GUT, Chromosomal anomalies, Twins, Maternal complication, and fetal environment.

Ultrasound physics

Patient care and safety, Basic operating principles, medical instrumentation, and scanning techniques.

Elementary principles, Interaction of sound with tissue, Transducer, Pulse echo technique and Doppler

PC-PNDT Act notes

Official handbook and guides from the Ministry of Health, Govt. of India, and various amendments.

Ultrasound reporting formats

Chapter-wise Tests:


Liver, Gallbladder, biliary tree, Pancreas, Spleen, Urinary tract and prostate


Normal pelvis, physiology, Paediatrics, Infertility, postmenopausal, pelvic pathology


First trimester, second and third trimester, placenta, assessment of gestational age, complications, amniotic fluid, genetics, fetal demise, fetal abnormalities, and coexisting disorders

4.Ultrasound Physics.

A patient care, safety and communication, physical principles, transducers, pulse-echo instrumentation, and doppler


6.Image-based Abdomen MCQs

7.Image-based Gynecology and obstetrics  MCQs 


Mock Tests

1. 6 mock tests - 300 MCQ's

2. 60 Short answer question with model answers 

Actual Papers

1. Past CBT Exam Paper's - 650 MCQ's

2. 295 Short answer question from past CBT Exam Papers 

Practical VIVA Answer Questions - OBS&GYN/OG Doppler

2.Spotter -  OBS&GYN/OG Doppler

3.Demo Videos - ABD/OBS&Gyn/OG Doppler

4. Reference ultrasound Image Charts.